원명 |
Shanghai World of Packaging |
기간 |
2015.11.17 ~ 2015.11.20 |
개최주기 |
격년 |
장소 |
[국가 및 도시] China Shanghai
[전시장 이름] Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)
최초개최 |
2015년 |
주최사 |
Messe Dusseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange (CCFDIE)
Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd. |
후원사 |
동시개최 |
PacPro Asia - International Packaging Material Production and Processing Exhibition
CHINA PHARM - The China International Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry Exhibition
FOODPEX - International Trade Fair for the Food Processing and Packaging Industries
BULKPEX - International Trade Fair for Technology and Equipment in Builk Package |
예상 전시규모 |
☆ 전시면적: 60,000sqm ☆ 전시업체 수: 1,500개사 이상 ☆ 방문객 수: 60,000명 이상
주요전시품목 |
▶ PacPro Asia
- Machinery for producing and processing packaging materials (including plastics, paper, flexible packaging, foam, glass, metals, etc.)
- Packaging materials (including plastics, paper, composites, glass, metal, auxiliary packaging materials and adhesives, etc.)
- Production machines for containers
- Machines & equipment for solid packaging
- Machines & equipment for liquid packaging
- Packaging printing and paper converting equipment for the packaging industry and packaging production
- Packaging labelling technology
- Measurement, testing and control technology and software
- Sustainable packaging solutions, process innovations, etc.
For Pharmaceutical -Pharmaceutical Machinery -Packaging Machinery -Biological Engineering -Biopharmaceuticals -Pharmaceutical Water Treatment Equipment -Fluid Engineering -Cleaning Technology & Equipment -Process Technology & Control System -RFID -Spraying Code -Anti-counterfeiting Technology
For Excipient & Packaging Material -Packaging Material -Excipient -API -API & Excipient Equipment
For Cosmetic -Cosmetic manufacturing machinery and technology -Cosmetic packaging machinery and technology
-Raw material and excipient -Cosmetics testing equipment and technology
For Detection Analysis -Detection Analysis Instrument -Laboratory equipment -Pharmaceutical Inspection Equipment
For Pharmacy -Pharmacy Facility & Display Equipment -OTC -Pharmacy logistics
Others -Service -CRO -Consultancy -Association media & information
▶ FoodPex - Food packaging machinery and technology
- Food processing machinery and technology
- Testing and measuring equipment
- Food safety technology
- Food preservation equipment and technology
- Waste disposal and sanitation equipment
- Services
▶ BulkPex - Packaging and goods identification equipment
- Machinery / equipment for transportation in bulk
- Containers for bulk packaging and transportation
- Automated / smart packaging solutions
- Outer packaging machines
- Packaging material and distribution equipment for online shopping goods
방문객 프로파일 |
▶ PacPro Asia
- Packaging materials manufacturers
- Packaging products manufacturers
- Converting companies
- Packaging printing companies
- Advertising & PR agencies / design houses
- Import / export trading companies
- End products (electronics, electrical appliances, consumer goods (non-food), pharmaceuticals, toys, industrial goods and services)
▶ CHINA-PHARM - Durg, biological product manufacturers, health food producers - Cosmetics manufacturers - API intermediates & chemical producers - Trade, agencies - Government - Hospitals - Universities, drug research & design institutes - Pharmacies - Consultancy - Associations & related organizers
▶ FoodPex
- Food manufacturers / food processing (dairy/meat/bread and cake/ confectionary/convenience food and fast food/frozen food, etc.)
- Catering & food service
- Importer/exporter/distributors
- Food safety/quality service
- Services
▶ BulkPex
- End products manufacturers, (electronics, electrical appliances, consumer goods (non-food), food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, toys, industrial goods and services)
- Third-party logistics companies
- Packaging printing companies and converting companies
- Packaging products manufacturers of various kinds
- E-commerce / online retailer
전시회 성격 |
본 전시는 세계에서 가장 큰 포장산업 전시회인 Interpack의 주관사인 Messe Dusseldorf에서 중국의약국제교류센터 및 Adsale과 합작하여 중국에서 처음으로 포장재료 생산에서부터 포장 장비, 기술, 인쇄, 라벨링, 자동화/스마트 포장, 대량포장에 이르는 포장 산업 전반을 다루는 전시입니다. PacPro Asia, FoodPex, BulkPex, China Pharm 총 4개의 세부전시로 구성되어 있어 포장산업 전반의 가치사슬을 다룰 뿐만아니라 관련된 수직 산업에 영향을 미치며 최대의 시너지를 기대하고 있습니다. 2015년 산업의 포커스가 될 본 전시에는 전세계에서 온 국제 첨단 기술, 중국 및 아시아의 높은 구매력을 가진 바이어들, 수준높은 컨퍼런스/회담 및 부대행사가 한 자리에 모이며 현재는 독일, 일본, 대만에서도 국가관 구성을 이미 확정한 상태입니다. 아시아 전체 시장에 공헌하기 위하여 전략적 요충지인 상해에서 열리는 본 전시에 한국업체들도 많은 관심을 보일 것으로 예상되오니, 아시아의 Interpack이 될 본 전시에 귀사께서도 참가하시어 비즈니스 지경을 넓히시기 바랍니다. |
부스 임대료 |
Raw Space |
Zone A, 27sqm 이상
RMB2,200 per sqm |
Zone B, 27sqm 이상
RMB1,100 per sqm |
Shell Scheme |
Zone A, 12sqm 이상
RMB2,440 per sqm |
Zone B, 12sqm 이상
RMB1,320 per sqm |
한국대행사 제스미디어 진현남 주임 Tel.070-7730-2906 E-mail. inter2@jesmedia.com |