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현재위치 : > 전시회
SWOP 2015
Shanghai World of Packaging
2015.11.17 ~ 2015.11.20
[국가 및 도시] China Shanghai
[전시장 이름] Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)
Messe Dusseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange (CCFDIE)
Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd.
PacPro Asia - International Packaging Material Production and Processing Exhibition
CHINA PHARM - The China International Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry Exhibition
FOODPEX - International Trade Fair for the Food Processing and Packaging Industries
BULKPEX - International Trade Fair for Technology and Equipment in Builk Package
예상 전시규모
☆ 전시면적: 60,000sqm
☆ 전시업체 수: 1,500개사 이상
☆ 방문객 수: 60,000명 이상
▶ PacPro Asia
  • Machinery for producing and processing packaging materials (including plastics, paper, flexible packaging, foam, glass, metals, etc.)
  • Packaging materials (including plastics, paper, composites, glass, metal, auxiliary packaging materials and adhesives, etc.)
  • Production machines for containers
  • Machines & equipment for solid packaging
  • Machines & equipment for liquid packaging
  • Packaging printing and paper converting equipment for the packaging industry and packaging production
  • Packaging labelling technology
  • Measurement, testing and control technology and software
  • Sustainable packaging solutions, process innovations, etc.


For Pharmaceutical
-Pharmaceutical Machinery
-Packaging Machinery
-Biological Engineering
-Pharmaceutical Water Treatment Equipment
-Fluid Engineering
-Cleaning Technology & Equipment
-Process Technology & Control System
-Spraying Code
-Anti-counterfeiting Technology

For Excipient & Packaging Material
-Packaging Material
-API & Excipient Equipment

For Cosmetic
-Cosmetic manufacturing machinery and technology
-Cosmetic packaging machinery and technology

-Raw material and excipient
-Cosmetics testing equipment and technology

For Detection Analysis
-Detection Analysis Instrument
-Laboratory equipment
-Pharmaceutical Inspection Equipment

For Pharmacy
-Pharmacy Facility & Display Equipment
-Pharmacy logistics

-Association media & information

▶ FoodPex  
  • Food packaging machinery and technology
  • Food processing machinery and technology
  • Testing and measuring equipment
  • Food safety technology
  • Food preservation equipment and technology
  • Waste disposal and sanitation equipment
  • Services

▶ BulkPex    
  • Packaging and goods identification equipment
  • Machinery / equipment for transportation in bulk
  • Containers for bulk packaging and transportation
  • Automated / smart packaging solutions
  • Outer packaging machines
  • Packaging material and distribution equipment for online shopping goods
방문객 프로파일
▶ PacPro Asia
  • Packaging materials manufacturers
  • Packaging products manufacturers
  • Converting companies
  • Packaging printing companies
  • Advertising & PR agencies / design houses
  • Import / export trading companies
  • End products (electronics, electrical appliances, consumer goods (non-food), pharmaceuticals, toys, industrial goods and services)

- Durg, biological product manufacturers, health food producers
- Cosmetics manufacturers
- API intermediates & chemical producers
- Trade, agencies
- Government
- Hospitals
- Universities, drug research & design institutes
- Pharmacies
- Consultancy
- Associations & related organizers

▶ FoodPex
  • Food manufacturers / food processing (dairy/meat/bread and cake/ confectionary/convenience food and fast food/frozen food, etc.)
  • Catering & food service
  • Importer/exporter/distributors
  • Food safety/quality service
  • Services

▶  BulkPex
  • End products manufacturers, (electronics, electrical appliances, consumer goods (non-food), food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, toys, industrial goods and services)
  • Third-party logistics companies
  • Packaging printing companies and converting companies
  • Packaging products manufacturers of various kinds
  • E-commerce / online retailer

전시회 성격

 본 전시는 세계에서 가장 큰 포장산업 전시회인 Interpack의 주관사인 Messe Dusseldorf에서 중국의약국제교류센터 및 Adsale과 합작하여 중국에서 처음으로 포장재료 생산에서부터 포장 장비, 기술, 인쇄, 라벨링, 자동화/스마트 포장, 대량포장에 이르는 포장 산업 전반을 다루는 전시입니다. PacPro Asia, FoodPex, BulkPex, China Pharm 총 4개의 세부전시로 구성되어 있어 포장산업 전반의 가치사슬을 다룰 뿐만아니라 관련된 수직 산업에 영향을 미치며 최대의 시너지를 기대하고 있습니다. 2015년 산업의 포커스가 될 본 전시에는 전세계에서 온 국제 첨단 기술, 중국 및 아시아의 높은 구매력을 가진 바이어들, 수준높은 컨퍼런스/회담 및 부대행사가 한 자리에 모이며 현재는 독일, 일본, 대만에서도 국가관 구성을 이미 확정한 상태입니다. 아시아 전체 시장에 공헌하기 위하여 전략적 요충지인 상해에서 열리는 본 전시에 한국업체들도 많은 관심을 보일 것으로 예상되오니, 아시아의 Interpack이 될 본 전시에 귀사께서도 참가하시어 비즈니스 지경을 넓히시기 바랍니다. 
부스 임대료
※ 화폐단위 : CNY(위안화)
Raw Space
Zone A, 27sqm 이상
RMB2,200 per sqm
Zone B, 27sqm 이상
RMB1,100 per sqm
Shell Scheme
Zone A, 12sqm 이상
RMB2,440 per sqm
Zone B, 12sqm 이상
RMB1,320 per sqm

한국대행사 제스미디어 진현남 주임 Tel.070-7730-2906 E-mail. inter2@jesmedia.com

통합검색 :